Now, I feel guilty as hell and will go to the gym in the morning before work and torture myself until all of said guilt and creamy jalapeno dip is dripping out of my pores in the form of sweat. Oh, the life of a woman. Men don't feel guilt about food or punish themselves with painful exercising. They also have NEVER laid down on the bed to button a pair of jeans, squeezed their piggies into a pair of fabulous shoes that may be a size too small, or had hair ripped out by the root from their legs, hoo-ha, and various places on the face, chin, and neck depending on where random hairs may pop up due to one's hormonal state at any given moment. They proudly walk around with their beer bellies poking out and it doesn't bother them one bit that many of them have not seen their "special friend" in decades. The proper term for this is "dickdo." Look it up in the urban dictionary and consider yourself educated.
Speaking of guilty pleasures.....Sunday is the season premiere of one of my favs:

Have Mercy!!!!
True Blood starts back this Sunday and I cannot wait!!! I don't even care if the story line sucks...I just watch for the eye candy, because basically it's the only candy I can have these days. Eric Northman is SO bad, and since I am partial to the bad ones....I double heart love everything about him.
Speaking of bad boys...Mr. D is cheap. He does not generally like to spend money. This comes from his "bad boy" upbringing, which consisted of eating what he considers a delicacy, refried bean sandwiches on white bread. No joke. Anyway, if Mr. D gets a bug up his rear before Sunday and decides that he no longer wants to shell out $10.00 extra a month for HBO and cancels it, I will go Lorena Bobbit on him....it's that serious!
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