Bella from all of the Twilight books

Gag! I couldn't stand her indecisiveness in the books and to be honest, her adoration for Edward. I cannot stomach all the lovey-dovey stuff. Watching the movies made me despise her character even more because I felt as though all I did was watch close ups of Kristen Stewart making the same blank face over and over and over again. Mr. D's idea of watching a new release movie includes watching the illegally copied version that he bought from a friend of his (no doubt from the trunk of said friend's car) complete with babies crying and people coughing in the theatre during these "excellent" copies, all in the comforts of your own home. If you have no clue what I am talking about, let me tell are missing out. Therefore, it is a real treat when I can actually go to the theatre and watch a movie. So, on the occasion of this rare treat, I DO NOT want to pay money to watch closeups of someone's facial expressions that NEVER change!
Okay, moving on.
Another example.....Katniss from Hunger Games

I loved the books more than life itself, but if I am being honest, Katniss got on my nerves MAJORLY with all the Peeta and Gale business. Another example of indecisiveness. Now, I have been indecisive before in my life, but I guess I have a problem with the indecisive behavior of females in literature. Or maybe not with indecisiveness, but with what I view as wishy-washiness.
Continuing on.....
Sookie from True Blood

Drives me INSANE! I cannot deal with her at all, and let's be honest....I watch PURELY for the men on the show. Period.

And....Carrie from Sex and the City

Let's face it...I never forgave her for choosing Mr. Big instead of Aidan. Bottom Line.
The point of this post is this....
I am currently reading book two. I read book one in one day. I thought it was hot and exciting. I liked the bad boy in Mr. Grey. Therefore, I couldn't wait to start book two. With that being said, after beginning to read the second book, it has been a daily struggle for me to make myself continue to pick it up on a daily basis. The steamy scenes make me yawn....same ole song and dance. Plus, E L James committed my cardinal sin.....she added the lovey-dovey stuff and I want to puke daily. There is only so much, "I love yous" and "You're so beautiful" that this girl can read without losing her lunch....and let's be honest here, since I'm on this Weight Watchers thing, I am desperate to keep down the little amount of food that I am allowed in a given day. I also like a little bit of realism in my literature, and the fact that EVERY physical encounter that happens in the book results in the big "O" and of course, Ana and Christian almost always have their climaxing moments at the same time. I mean give me a break. Ana often is pushed to this "moment" just by having Christian mention her name. No joke. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Mr. D, but I don't care how many times he may or may not say my name (first, middle, maiden, or last) it just plain is not going to happen from the mere sound of his voice stating the obvious. Rather, I think that I would respond with "What?" instead of the explosion that Ana has throughout the book. So, yet another problem with a female in literature. I am going to continue to push through and finish this book, and trilogy for that matter, even if it takes me all summer. Not because I am interested at this point, but because I am too stubborn and hard headed to quit.
Any advice for the heroine problem? Is it possible to dislike women, when I am one? Ha!
i TOTALLY agree with you on ALL points! 50 shades is nauseating. if you want a great read-try the maze runner series by james dashner. it is kid lit, but the action and settings and dilemmas are intriguing. the bonus: no stupid, unrealistic, sappy sex scenes. happy reading!