So, the last 48 hours have been full of fun for all.
Yesterday at the PC, we caught a shoplifter who was stealing this
FOR REAL. Seriously? It's about $14.00 worth of merchandise. the PC we don't take kindly to shoplifters, so we pretty much tackle them before they can leave. I kid. Kinda.
Long story short, I was able to recover most of the stolen merchandise. However, when kindly grabbing for her purse to recover said merchandise, I ripped the handle off the worst knockoff bag that I've ever seen. So, I figure we are even. She tried to get away with $14.00 of my merchandise and I broke her purse which was worth approximately the same amount. Just a public service announcement: If you call Metro 911, you will get officers about 30 minutes later, and they will go to the Target next door instead of the location of the crime. True story.
Needless to say, today I had a much deserved day off after yesterday's drama. I went for a 2 mile power walk with my mother followed by pool time and lunch at my favorite place ever, Chick Fil A. I got a little color, which is a success because it officially takes me out of the vampire category. Not so much of a success was the "baby talk" that I had with my mother while power walking. I should have just shut my mouth and concentrated on trying to breathe while finishing the first mile. I am a recent ex-smoker, so give me a break...I'm not thinking clearly. Anyway, I brought up that Mr. D and I were currently planning our last big vacation for next summer before we try to start having a baby. With the first year of my big girl teaching job starting this fall, I did not think that it was smart to try to also have my first child during what I am sure will be an often overwhelming time in my life. I mentioned this to my mother, as well as wanting to relax next summer after my first year and that I would like that summer to be full of nothing but relaxing and enjoying doing nothing for a couple of months, and not full of sleepless nights, diaper changing, and toddler chasing. I just want to fully enjoy next summer in that way. I know that after I have a baby, I will enjoy things in a completely different way, but I also know that after having a baby, I will not have the silence that I so treasure for at least another 18 years. My mother is desperate for her first grandchild and did not take kindly to this info. She said:
"Well what the heck, why don't you just go ahead and wait until you're in your mid forties to have a baby!" (I am currently 36).
and when I told her about wanting to have next summer to unwind after my first year, she said "Do you know the definition of 'sacrifice'?" (Of which I SO wanted to say, "No mother, actually I have no idea what the definition is....can you believe I am going to become an English teacher when I have such a LIMITED vocabulary!!!!!!!!!!!!!) But.... I didn't say anything because I am an angel sent straight down from the Lord above.
If there has EVER been a day when I have EARNED a cigarette AND a hot fudge sundae from Sonic, it was today. I had neither. The "good" Mrs. D on my right shoulder said that having neither means that I am going to live a long life as a skinny person. I slapped that thing off my shoulder like it was a mosquito.
So, question.........Is wanting to have one last child free summer selfish of me?
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