So, I haven't been blogging for a minute. But....I'm back.
Things got super overwhelming with the start of my big girl job and all that it entails.
Friday was my first full day of teaching, and it was jeans day. I didn't want to remember my first day EVER as the day I wore jeans, so I wore a fabulous new outfit with super high summer wedges. I felt good, and I think that it helped me to have confidence in my classroom....because, let's be can NEVER let those kids see you sweat. EVER.
Speaking of kids, I have decided that teaching middle school and 9th and 10th graders is not unlike The Hunger Games. I swear, at the beginning of class I can actually hear "May the odds be EVER in your favor" ringing in my ears. They'll eat you alive if they smell a weakness, so I'm trying to be as weakness free as possible.
This weekend, Mr D. and I celebrated our one year anniversary since he will be working this week on the actual night of our anniversary. Yesterday, we went to Cheekwood to see the literature treehouses and intended to have breakfast/lunch/dinner at Loveless Cafe. We get to Loveless around 11:30 and they told us that it would be a 2 1/2 hour wait in which I replied okay. Mr D. however went all "Antioch" on them and said something to the effect of "Aww...hell no!!!" and we left. Classy.
It is glaringly apparent that Mr D. was born in Oregon and not down here in the South, or otherwise he would have known that one can wait ALL day for good, homemade biscuits and preserves. Dang Northerner!
I'm not normally a country music lover, but this song reminds me of a time when I was young and carefree, hanging out with my girlfriends. You know, when summer was actually fun and not filled with working at the damn PC. Back before we were grownups when who cared if we paid the bills, just as long as we had a good time.
Cheers to those days!
First, let me say that tonight was Taco Night and Taco Night is my ALL TIME weakness.
Let me begin this quick story by telling you that after work today, I went to the gym. I came home in my sports bra/workout tank thingy that looks very similar to this
because it was sweltering outside. I was then informed that it was Taco Night. This provided a great amount of anxiety for me, since I'm on WW and all and Taco Night being such a HUGE to decrease said anxiety....I drank half a bottle of SkinnyGirl White Cranberry Cosmo.
After preparing my fourth (YES...the number after THREE) taco, I was walking towards the table and the taco slipped almost completely off my place and half of it broke off (complete with meat and cheese) inside of my sports bra. So....I did what ANY sane person would do....I ate it right out of my sports bra thingy. Literally, picked it out piece by piece and ate it. Not wanting to waste a single morsel. The hunger from being on WW is obviously starting to make me lose my mind. The proof is in the story above. The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Consider yourself informed.
Okay...well, maybe not benjamins...I guess more like washingtons. Bottom line is...I got paid. So, my funk is official O-V-E-R! Hallelujah, praise the Lord.
Sad to say, but having a little bit of change in my pocket makes me in a MUCH better mood. Today was my day off, so I got up early and headed to the mall to shop for Mr. D's upcoming birthday. However, I got a little sidetracked while I was there.
I was feeling so crappy about myself because I've been doing nothing but working PLUS I've been broke, and we all know that women need beauty maintenance and without it a little funk can turn into a jump off the roof situation. So, my eyebrows had not been done since I finished student teaching, so I treated myself to my first eyebrow threading. Let me tell you....I will NEVER go back to waxing. My eyebrows look amazing and it was super quick and to be honest, not as painful as I thought it was going to be. Here's a video if you wanna see the threading process in action.
It was only $12 to get it done, which is about the same as you have to try it. Hell, they can even thread your WHOLE FACE. Which I am sure that the lady would have loved to recommend for me if she could have spoken any English, but I didn't have THAT kind of time and I'm sure neither did she.
Moving on....I then took a little visit to White House Black Market which is one of my favs, but usually not a fav of my budget or lack thereof. I had been eyeing a certain top for the past six weeks, no joke. The said top was on clearance, but still WAY higher than what any sane person would spend on a shirt. Good thing I wasn't feeling very sane. I bought it because it's all I have been obsessed with for the past six weeks, plus I lost 2.4 lbs this week at WW so it's my "push" present. You see, I have friends who have husbands who buy them extravagant "push" presents when they have babies. I guess it's a gift for actually pushing the thing out instead of deciding to hold it in???? Heck, I don't know. Anyway, I bought this blouse for myself as a "push" present.....a reminder for me to continue to "push" my plate away from my face.
I will be putting this blouse in the back of my closet and when I wear it and my husband asks me when I got a new shirt....I will act as if he has offended me and swear up and down that I have had the blouse FOREVER and have worn it often, and that if he ever paid attention to me, he would know that the shirt was not new. AND I will tell this lie with style and grace while looking fabulous in my new "push" present and will bow as I accept my Oscar.
I also ordered my first official lesson planner for the school year from
Check her out....the stuff is SO cute.
I got sucked into Books a Million on my way home and came out with three books, which I hope to read before schools starts. I do have books at home to read....the second Fifty Shades book and a friend of mine let me borrow all of the Outlander series. I've lost interest in Mr. Grey and I can't seem to get into the Outlander series despite desperately wanting to like them. Anyway, I bought The Hobbit, The House on Mango Street, and The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. I figured that since I am a Language Arts/Reading/English teacher, I should have read those first two....but I haven't. I went into Books a Million to buy Gone Girl, but they were sold out. So, instead of walking my happy butt back to my car....I stayed and bought those books. Story of my life today.
Oh, and did I mention that I went to the tanning bed. I mean, a girls
gotta feel good about herself and the Casper look does not look good on
this gal.
In case you're wondering....I did buy Mr. D TONS of birthday presents, which hopefully will help him to forget that I have driven my car WAY over the required mileage for the next oil change in 5 million degree weather.
The moral to this post is that I just got paid and now I am almost broke again, but I sure did enjoy myself today immensely. Warning....another funk is sure to be on the horizon as soon as I come to terms with how much money I now do not have.
I'm in a major funk. I've got no interesting stories because lately I haven't had much of a life. I have done nothing but work at the PC day in and day out and try not to lose my mind...which is a full time job itself, let me tell you. When I don't have time to do anything but work, I tend to get into a MAJOR funk. So, here we are.
So, in an effort not to spread my current negative mood....I am sharing some Pinterest crafting projects that I've done for our new casa. Some of my pics aren't the best quality, but you'll get the gist of it.
This lovely project is in our office. I wanted a poster or canvas of some of my favorite books with the quotes from each that I adored. I found several posters at Teachers Discovery, but thought that surely I could make something cheaper. Here it is. A canvas of my favorite books with the quotes from each that speak to me in some way or another. All I did was print off the cover of the books from online, type up my favorite quotes from each book, and modge podge them onto a blank canvas. Easiest craft ever and saved myself a TON of money!
Saw this idea on Pinterest. A cute way to dress up your thermostat. Mr. D didn't understand it, but he's a man, so....
This is a horrible pic, but it was even more horrible without the flash. Basically, I took a frame that I liked and put scrapbook paper behind the glass. I then got a key made to our new home, painted it a tiffany blue, and mounted it on the scrapbook paper behind the glass. Viola! The key to our first house together in a beautiful frame.
I confess, I'm a doily kinda gal. I love them. Period. If that makes me an old lady, then so be it. I painted several paper doilies to match my half bathroom and then modged podged them to a blank canvas. Mr. D told me that he is not a doily kinda man, but since I'm in charge, the doily art stayed. Ha!
And finally, my favorite craft......
My mom bought us this GORGEOUS antique frame for a housewarming gift. I bought the letters to our first names and the letter to our last name, wrapped them in yarn to match our bedroom, and hung them inside the frame. It's definitely the focal point in the bedroom, and I double heart love it....despite the fact that the yarn wrapping part was a TOTAL pain in the hiney.
So, there ya go folks...a little look into some of my completed crafts.
On another quick note, Kathy on the Real Housewives of New Jersey said something FREAKIN BRILLIANT on the last episode. She said, "Sometimes the pride becomes bigger than the fight." This is all TOO TRUE of a particular fight going on in my own family. Perhaps the Jersey housewives can teach some of us stubborn Southern families a thing or two...... Just sayin.
I went to my WW meeting tonight and lost another 1.4 lbs. Yee-Haw. Zippity do da. I am not ungrateful for the loss; however, I am so hungry....I feel like I should have lost 40 lbs and then we could have called it a day.
At my meeting, the topic was your favorite foods to eat. The WW leader said what are some of your all time favorite foods to eat, even if they are horrible for you. Mr. Sitting in the Front Row who lost over six pounds this week even after being on vacation in Florida raises his hand and says salmon, blueberries, and strawberries. The rest of us were saying pasta, pizza, fried chicken, loaves of bread, and anything cooked in Crisco. This guy made the rest of us look like Miss Piggy and when I left, my foul mood from lack of food had only gotten worse thanks to this guy who I am convinced was an alien from another planet. I wanted to kidnap him and take him to Arnold's in Nashville on 8th Avenue or Kleer-Vu in Murfreesboro and let him taste food that is cooked with every kind of lard imaginable and then ask him if he still prefers strawberries and blueberries. Moron.
I have this weekend off from work, thank the Lord! I may go loco if I have to hear one more lady call and complain because her latex balloons did not last 3-4 days despite our signs that guarantee latex for 8-10 hours. Clearly, she knows better than we do...
After work tomorrow, I am going straight to Portland for a Pinterest Craft Party with several old friends and new ones. I cannot wait! It's BYOB and bring a dish. I will be picking up a bottle of SkinnyGirl from the liquor store on my way there. The liquor store next to the PC carries the SkinnyGirl margaritas, white cranberry cosmos, white wine, and rose wine. It is nearly impossible to try to figure out the WW points for alcohol. Tomorrow night, I am choosing to go with a lady online whose calculations lead her to believe and insist that the WHOLE bottle of SkinnyGirl Margarita is only 3 points. Ignorance is bliss is my motto for tomorrow. For my dish, I am bringing the best cupcakes in the whole wide world. I have made them five million times since I first had them while I was student teaching, thus this WW gig. My cooperating teacher made them and they are SuperMoist white cupcakes with lemon icing. The mix is made with egg whites instead of whole eggs and they are heavenly! So moist and the lemon icing makes them taste just like summer. Speaking of my cooperating teacher, I am going to miss her and all of her "Oceans" friends so much when I start at my new school in the fall. I don't know what I am going to do without them everyday, keeping it real and making me laugh in the hall in between classes. Shout out to the ladies in the C hall!
Update on Fifty Shades. There is no update. I have not turned on my Sony Reader once to read it since my last post.
Finally, not only am I irritated by lack of food, but this picture taken from my own bathroom DEFINITELY does not help matters.
This is a regular occurrence at my household. No one (besides me) can seem to take off the old roll and put the new roll on. This occurs with all paper products from toilet paper to paper towels. Ridiculous. If this continues, I assure you that I will be on the new season of Snapped.
I have a heroine problem! A major one. A couple of months ago while sharing my favorite books, movies, tv shows, etc with my friend (and mentor teacher) I discovered this about myself. Let me explain further....
Bella from all of the Twilight books
Gag! I couldn't stand her indecisiveness in the books and to be honest, her adoration for Edward. I cannot stomach all the lovey-dovey stuff. Watching the movies made me despise her character even more because I felt as though all I did was watch close ups of Kristen Stewart making the same blank face over and over and over again. Mr. D's idea of watching a new release movie includes watching the illegally copied version that he bought from a friend of his (no doubt from the trunk of said friend's car) complete with babies crying and people coughing in the theatre during these "excellent" copies, all in the comforts of your own home. If you have no clue what I am talking about, let me tell are missing out. Therefore, it is a real treat when I can actually go to the theatre and watch a movie. So, on the occasion of this rare treat, I DO NOT want to pay money to watch closeups of someone's facial expressions that NEVER change!
Okay, moving on.
Another example.....Katniss from Hunger Games
I loved the books more than life itself, but if I am being honest, Katniss got on my nerves MAJORLY with all the Peeta and Gale business. Another example of indecisiveness. Now, I have been indecisive before in my life, but I guess I have a problem with the indecisive behavior of females in literature. Or maybe not with indecisiveness, but with what I view as wishy-washiness.
Continuing on.....
Sookie from True Blood
Drives me INSANE! I cannot deal with her at all, and let's be honest....I watch PURELY for the men on the show. Period.
And....Carrie from Sex and the City
Let's face it...I never forgave her for choosing Mr. Big instead of Aidan. Bottom Line.
The point of this post is this....
I am currently reading book two. I read book one in one day. I thought it was hot and exciting. I liked the bad boy in Mr. Grey. Therefore, I couldn't wait to start book two. With that being said, after beginning to read the second book, it has been a daily struggle for me to make myself continue to pick it up on a daily basis. The steamy scenes make me yawn....same ole song and dance. Plus, E L James committed my cardinal sin.....she added the lovey-dovey stuff and I want to puke daily. There is only so much, "I love yous" and "You're so beautiful" that this girl can read without losing her lunch....and let's be honest here, since I'm on this Weight Watchers thing, I am desperate to keep down the little amount of food that I am allowed in a given day. I also like a little bit of realism in my literature, and the fact that EVERY physical encounter that happens in the book results in the big "O" and of course, Ana and Christian almost always have their climaxing moments at the same time. I mean give me a break. Ana often is pushed to this "moment" just by having Christian mention her name. No joke. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Mr. D, but I don't care how many times he may or may not say my name (first, middle, maiden, or last) it just plain is not going to happen from the mere sound of his voice stating the obvious. Rather, I think that I would respond with "What?" instead of the explosion that Ana has throughout the book. So, yet another problem with a female in literature. I am going to continue to push through and finish this book, and trilogy for that matter, even if it takes me all summer. Not because I am interested at this point, but because I am too stubborn and hard headed to quit.
Any advice for the heroine problem? Is it possible to dislike women, when I am one? Ha!