Sunday, May 6, 2012

And another thing....

Obviously I am already addicted to this blog thing as I have yet to get out of my pjs and head to the grocery.  Yes, it is 11am. Don't judge.
I thought I would explain why my display name is "The Skipper."  It is because I am a control freak, plain and simple.  I am the captain of this ship and like to be in control of where it goes and when.  I try very hard to give control over to the Lord, like I am supposed to do.  Suffice it to say, this is a work in progress because I am crazy.
Case in point, last night Mr. D (who hilariously thinks he is "The Skipper" of this family) had a bunch of his friends over for the fight.  I had to work at the PC from 12 until close and would not be here to make sure that the food that I slaved over was presented correctly and that some of the shadier characters did not find their way up the stairs into my jewelry box.  I kid....maybe.
Anyway, Mr. D and I had a epic battle before I left for work because I was trying to explain to him in the nicest way possible how I wanted the food displayed and which serving utensil he should use, followed by a lecture on not getting too distracted by the boxing match as to become negligent in his quest (assigned by me) to make sure that all of his friends used a coaster.  He has never been as happy as he was when I finally left for work...and he did not hesitate to tell me so.  So, you see, I'm crazy neurotic about perfection or at least faking it when we have guests over, even if it is ten of his smelly men friends whose favorite chef is Chef Boyardee.  I am trying to improve upon this, one teeny tiny step at a time.
Since I am spilling my guts, I am also addicted to all things home related.  My true weakness is china and wall decor.  I have four sets of china and if there is a bare spot on the wall, I literally dream about that spot until something is hung there.  True story.  I'm sure that there is medication for this; however, I am too busy spending money on new pieces of china to afford a prescription.  Ha!

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