Rewind to yesterday after work.....
I get home...take a nap....wake up to the most wonderful news that I've had all week.....It's Taco Night! Praise the I can drown my sorrows and frustrations from work with massive amounts of taco meat, cheese, and sour cream. We sit down as a family, eat, and watch TV. Mr. D is watching (which means we all must watch) a show called "Storage Wars" that focuses on how men, with obviously too much time and money, bid on storage units based on viewing what is inside from the entrance to the storage unit without the benefit of going in to peruse the situation. Whew. Now, on to a curious find for one of the men from the show.
Does anyone know what these are?

They are for chickens....duh! So apparently, when chickens see "red" on their fellow chickens, they will peck them to death. So, the point is to have the chickens wear these glasses all the time because it decreases their aggressive tendencies.
Craziest thing that I've ever heard and what's even crazier.....who would have thought that I would have learned something from watching one of Mr. D's dumb man shows???!!!
So I got to thinking......
If you need me today, I can be found at the PC walking around wearing a pair of these....

It's truly the ONLY way to ensure the safety of my employees from their manager who must listen to true comments such as these:
(After employee is 10 minutes late WITHOUT calling or giving any excuse whatsoever...much attitude is given by said employee to the most understanding and coolest manager in the whole wide world when she asks him to start on a certain project) "I don't like being told that I need to do something the first 15-20 minutes after I walk through the door....."
Lord me not to kill anyone today. Amen.
ok-that employee MUST die. like, for real. what a douche!