I have sat in the same spot for the last six hours on my fat arse doing one thing and ONLY one thing....

So, while my dishes and clothes remained unwashed, my butt grew by the minute, and my flowers were outside dying because I haven't watered them today.....you could find me inside reading this little beauty.
My girlfriends are RAVING about it as well as several of the bloggers that I follow, so I decided this afternoon to order it on my Sony Reader. God forbid that I actually leave the house today to do anything productive like go to an actual bookstore and buy the book.
Needless to say, six hours later....I am hooked. The English teacher snob in me thinks that it is literary garbage without a significant deeper purpose or meaning within the pages. I felt a slight tinge of guilt that one of my minors was Women's Studies and that my old professors would burn my diploma and probably me "Salem Witch style" if they ever knew that I was reading this book. However, I cannot help it and I must admit that it is H-O-T! "Have mercy" kind of hot. I'm not even normally into romance or erotic books....but this is a must read. I'm only about a third of the way through the book, but I literally cannot put it down.
****CAUTION***** Any fitness goals, household chores, appointments, and just plain leaving the confines of your house will totally fly out the window until you have finished this book...and I can assume the whole trilogy.
Happy reading! ;-)
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